Online Shopping

How Has Online Shopping Changed the Way We Shop?

Online shopping for ages has been renowned and known for only certain websites and applications. They have won it all in the best customer service and delivery. But with that comes the need to know what’s in the store and what’s left for the current era, with the overflow in online shopping and related. 

Why is Maharani Women keen on writing this? Two simple answers. 1. We are an online retail store. and 2. Our team comprises young minds with professional and potential market knowledge. 

A tracker website for eCommerce termed “eMarketer” claims that virtual/online shopping will soon exceed $5 Trillion just by the end of this year. Furthermore, they suggest that 2025 will witness an economic boost of $7 Trillion or more!

With these stats on our side, let’s dive into what’s happening in Online Shopping and how it has changed how we shop.

What do buyers look for?

  1. Convenience: With rates and prices of fuels only hiking, it has become easier for buyers to sit at home, and order their products, maybe customized as well, with just one click away. In addition, did you know that Maharani Women has a dedicated gateway for various online payment modes so you can have seamless transactions? A little screen smart is what they all need to be.
  2. Discounts/offers/Coupons: We’ll let one secret out of the bag. If you ever invest in buying shares from certain companies, you can enjoy more benefits. But that’s online finance and stocks. Why put it here? Companies tend to increase revenue, so their valued customers must also hook on. Some renowned companies give double discounts to loyal customers if they buy shares. This is a trending and new strategy, so look out for the same. Also, check out our freebie offer at Maharani, where any purchase you make, you can take home a freebie. Offer valid till New year 2023. 
  1. No More Site Visits: Yes, it has come to even our Maharani‘s attention that site visits are done often, and buyers tend to surf via their mobile phones only. This means having a good brand reach and awareness about how customers react matters. 
  2. A Well-Optimized Product Discovery: A decade ago, buyers went to shopping malls on weekends to buy clothes and their favorite accessories. But now, they depend on reviews. Have you come across some smart street shoppers that try on products at the mall, then come back and buy a similar one from the site because it’s cheaper online? So have we. Sites have good outreach, with amplified keywords that hit their count right. Stats show that a product rated 5/5 by 10 shoppers has lesser converts than a product rated 4.5/5 by 25 shoppers. Quantity, too, matters! Buyers look for well-reviewed products rather than ones with none at all.
  3. A Brand Story or A Sincere Cause: We have all heard about that story where an online book store has now become the world’s largest eCommerce platform. Recent studies show that a cause such as sustainable or handmade something or a good story. It holds and seems to have worked wonders always stay in shoppers’ hearts. So have many other stories intrigued or drawn us to buy only there. 

Thus, the above ways are a few of how online shopping has changed our shopping. Look out, queens; this might be your turn to start something. A revolution could be possible. Who knows? Good luck! Maharani Women is always with you. For queries, contact [email protected]

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